Imagine this; A local university offers you a place in one of thier courses which only takes in 80-100 students. On top of that, they awarded you with thier bond-free, all-tuition-fees-paid Scholarship. And you turn it down! Well - NTU offered me a place in their Aerospace Engineering Course WITH a Nanyang Scholarship. BUT I think i'm about to do just that.. >_<
I decided that NUS was more of the place for me. (It's in my zone! : ) ) so anyway, even though NUS has not
confirmed any scholarship with me for their Mechanical Engineering Course, (which will be announced at the end of May 08),
NTU's deadline for the acceptance is TOMORROW the 6
Th of May and I just
don't think I'll be able respond to it without regretting.
Crazy? I am, maybe, but we'll just leave it to God to decided if NUS is going to come back to me with something.