omg. i have no eye deer how in the world i got up this morning at 615 am to go run.. hahahahha.. followed my parents to botanic gardens.. i hobbled (my muscles too stiff. so could not run) around the the eco lake in circles and got lost. hahahhaha.. thank goodness there were the old folks doing their morning exercise(you know... the one with all the counting).. so i could hear them and had some reference. suddenly i was running and running and then, oh no! i was transported back to something like the begining of time 5000000 years ago! this could not be. i thought to my self. i liked it back home in 2006 so i ran and i ran... and i ran some more. success! i made it back to 2 million years ago.. darn.. not far enough (btw, Earth was starting to have rain forests back at that particular time supposedly). after 3 million years of running, i still didnt like it. i wanted 2006! so i continued to crawl(couldn't run anymore). and crawl till i saw tiger prints on the trail.. ahhhhh! i ran for dear life and crashed into an old lady.. "??????," puzzled at the sight, i looked around and YES! i was back in 2006! muhahahahaha. i made it.. haha.. nah. actually i just took a wrong right turn and ended up in the
evalution garden. hehehhe. moral of the story?
running saves your life. go run! (especially when you're feeling fat =p)
(based on true (but highly elaborated) story)
after the great adventure into the past, i went to the syfc in the afternoon. for my stalling emergency brief. if you stall! apply full power! and never never push your controls down too fast! you'll find everything in the cockpit flying around your head. haha..