well actually it takes you to only two places.. But we took it abt four times! heres how it happened : P..
yesterday ally, Andrew, ash, Tim tay, Bryan, Simon, josh and I met at the airport to send Bryan Tay off on his trip to DOHA! he'll be representing team Singapore in swimming! If there was an xbox competition, using feet only, he'd sure win but that's beside the point. Anyway first up was FOOD!

we met at T2 for the first "leg" of our adventurous outing.. theres Simon and the rest of them but you cant see them because of my camera.. sigh.. cant seem to take proper dim light pictures. anyway, we decided to eat at swensens at T2 but OMG there was a 30 person Q outside the restaurant. So someone said there WAS one at T1 so we took the first of our many train rides to T1.

theres ally and ash(paul 2 hill hair) on the sky train. Seriously, they should get the rest of the rails of the skytrain done soon. its not much of a sky train if you cant see the sky..
when we got to T1 after 1 min, we went on our wayin search of food. but *dum dum DUMMM!* there was NO swensens at T1! as you can see below.. : D

so we walked around T1 for food but found no where to suit the occasion. back we were on our way by sky train to T2.. we finally settled for fish and co cause it had the best food around..
after the long wait, it was already nine twenty or so and we had been walking around alot! we were cold, wet and hungry. ok maybe not wet but definitely hungry. Some of you might know that the swordfish collar they have is the biggest ass dish around and could easily feed an army. Well maybe not but anyway, 5 of us wanted it but they were out! in the end, we all had the "best fish and chips in town" and a big ass "big fish drink" i think that was what it was called.. look at the size of the canister!

it was huge! what you see are two "??????"freezes.. thats not the forest freeze in the picture. i cant rmb what it was called.. : / but anyway.. look at that!! it out stands the fork! we had 6 of those btw. 3 forests and 3 of that in the pic..
and heres us at the middle of the entire fish and co; making alot of noise as usual : )

darn.. i should have blogged this yesterday.. i had such a long day today, so much so that i'm nearly forgetting what happened..
ahhh heres ally and b.t sharing a 'special moment' together. hahahlol... actually i could not finish my drink and i got some help. : D

anyway. after dinner, we took the skytrain yet again to send Bryan Tay off at T1.. boy was it crowded. hahah there were team Singapore officials there and they gave out flags and such.. i think we were the noisiest bunch among everyone.. sheesh. if that isnt support, i dont know what is.. : P..
final pic before the rest if us went home except Bryan of course..

well.. all the best Bryan Tay! and great meeting up with the rest of you guys.. hey andrewC, i'm still thinking how funny it would be if the entire gang got apartments on the same level.. whahahahahaha.. i dont think anyone will ever get to sleep :D see you guys around!