on the road to fly..
NYPS 1995-2000
ACS(I) 2001-2004
SP Aero Eng 2005-2008
NUS MEng 2010!
"It's never too late to start early"
Now Playing:
Dashboard Confessional - Stolen
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
on fire!
ho ho ho.. this morning i saw i car with fire! eerm afterburners i mean.. check it out!
and in the evening, i ate tappan yaki at the "hill top" near jurong bird park.. ohhhhhhhh. soooo gooooooodd. : p *drooolssss* and it's ON FIRE BABY! wooooooo! hot stuff!
and i suddenly have ice cream cravings... *drooollllss some more* ohhh and i cant wait. i'm getting my dunkin donuts tmrw! *drooolss. ew yuck the keyboard's wet demn...... ok must study must study.. *concentrates*

androo the bamboo... i
Friday, May 25, 2007
down to my last!
Artist: Alter Bridge
Title: Down To My Last
Album: One Day Remains
And to those to which we sing,
We are honored you let us in
I remember the thoughts of many things,
Of the glory that you bring
I was never the right one
to dare to dream, It's funny what this life has done to me now
You were always the only,
To help me see there was a road I must find,
A road that was mine
But I'm down to my last,
I'm standing here alone Looking back, on it all
But I'm down to my last,
I'm ready but I'm wrong,
And I'm blind too
And to the world to which we sing,
Want to try to do us in
I remember your name and I know your face
Can't forgive and can't erase
I was never the right one
To bear the weight of something fueled by words I'd learn to hate
You were always the only
To help me see that to love is to shine
In your world, blind
But I'm down to my last
I'm standing here alone
Looking back on it all
But I'm down to my last
I'm ready but I'm wrong
And I'm right too
[solo guitar]
But I'm down to my last
Well I'm ready but I'm wrong,
And I'm scared of it all
But I'm down to my last
I'm ready but I'm wrong
And I'm blind too
But I'm down to my last
And I'm ready but I'm wrong
And I'm blind too
Incidentally, i'm down to my last e learning project : )
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Singapore talks!
hahahahah this is a demn funny abstract from wikitravel.com http://wikitravel.org/en/Singapore.. lets go visit Singapore! erm.. now wait a min....
"Malay may be enshrined in the Constitution as the 'national' language, but in practice the most common language is English, spoken by almost every Singaporean under the age of 40. On the other hand, Malay is spoken mainly by the older generation and is almost exclusively restricted to ethnic Malays in the younger generation. However, the distinctive local patois Singlish may be hard to understand at times, as it incorporates slang words and phrases from other languages, including various Chinese dialects, Malay and Tamil. It also incorporates slang from British and American English, and has a queer way of structuring sentences, due to the original speakers being mostly Chinese. Complex consonant clusters are simplified, plurals disappear, verb tenses are replaced by adverbs, questions are altered to fit the Chinese syntax and semirandom particles (especially the infamous "lah") appear:
Singlish: You wan beer or not? -- No lah, drink five botol oreddi.
English: Do you want a beer? -- No, thanks; I've already had five bottles.
Thanks to nationwide language education campaigns, most younger Singaporeans are, however, capable of speaking so-called "Good English" when necessary. To avoid unintentional offense, it's best to start off with standard English and only shift to simplified pidgin if it becomes evident that the other person cannot follow you. Try to resist the temptation to sprinkle your speech with unnecessary Singlishisms: you'll get a laugh if you do it right, but it sounds grating and patronizing if you do it wrong.
Singapore's other official languages are Mandarin Chinese and Tamil. Mandarin is spoken by most of the educated Singaporean Chinese while Tamil is spoken by most of the Indians. Various Chinese dialects (especially Hokkien, Teochew and Cantonese) are also spoken between ethnic Chinese of the same dialect group. Other Indian languages, such as Punjabi among the Sikhs, are also spoken. "
it's quite a down to earth description of Singapore. hahah i wonder how they do it..
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
ahhh the purple ice scream stick!
while having lunch today, i spotted a purple ice scream stick stuck on the wall. it was all that remained of a long forgotten poster by some club/group.

upon further investigation, i found out that my mom had taken it from our own store room as a spatula for gardening .. whew.. and i thought i had developed the curse of the purple ice scream stick!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
e learning..
I said this before, I'll say it again. e learning sucks. it gives us more work than a regular school week. think about it. every module coordinator thinks that one week is so much time. so all of them allocates one week's worth of work to us. so that makes it like 7x7 weeks work! ................
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Swimming Training!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! my arms are dropping... i just had like the first swim training in like after one year.
200 wu
2 X 200 free/ comp kick
2 X 10 X 50 m free/ fly and IM
4 X 15 + 4 X 25 sprints.
i got my PPL issue medical tomorrow! better go sleep now now!..
Saturday, May 12, 2007
memories of syfc.........
Thursday, May 10, 2007
YIPEE! i passed my flying test! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! : )
Well it was a strange feeling.. bitter sweet but awesome!
i made a 3183 word debrief for my instructor and juniors (i got caried away) : ) anyway here's the super long abstract of the flight:
First and fore most, BE EARLY!!! Try to be there before 0750 am. Settle down, relax and be calm.
I came at 0807 and had to change, get the POH from the aircraft, and gather the techlog and weather and Notams. HO CK was pissed that I was late when I knocked on his door at 0822. : opps. Be sure to knock on his door before 0815 am.
Ok down to the test. There are three parts to the test. The first being the preparation portion, the second being the test flight and the third being the oral quiz on the various systems and random questions.
Part 1: The Preparation Brief
The day before the test, I came down to plot the items affecting the flight on one of the debrief room maps. For the Notams, there are two sections that affect you which are PLAB and the SBAB/SELETAR sections. Make sure that the items are valid at the time of flight and that the location of the item stated is around the region of flight. On the Notam, you can write by the side whether it is a “Crane” or “Bird” advisory or any other item. That way you can easily sieve out any particular category if he does not want to hear about it.
The brief was carried out in the ‘RT oral quiz room’. Unfortunately, I forgot to grab a copy of the CG form and the weather report that came in this morning was not valid! It was valid till 0600 hrs only. The first thing he asked for is my SPL, my log book and my test form. After he inspected those three, he asked to see my spare specs which I showed him. Next he briefed me that the test would be in three sections as what I am describing now. One thing to note for that is that for PFL, you decide which marker but for Glide, he will decide. You can also decide if you want to go circuits or area first and which area you want and how you want to get there. Also, you have to say out the check title and say out the target speed on finals. Eg, if you say 65 kts, you can have +5, -0 which would make the limits 65 to 70 kts.
I started out with the weather and realized straight away that it was not valid. Tough, I told him I’ll check it out later and then I went on about notams. I stated that I plotted the obstructions on the board if he should like to see it and then started with the SBAB/SEL section. I started on about the cranes and then he told me to tell him anything BUT cranes. So that shortened my list to just a handful of stuff such as bird advisories and that the I/D beacon on (either SBAB or SEL sorry I didn’t know which : ) was U/S which means unserviceable.
Next was the Techlog. I later came to realize that that was my second mistake. I briefed him on the Certificates located at the front; they were Signed, Chopped and dated and then showed him the day’s page and said the first check has been done, the page signed and chopped and I asked him if he would like to sign it there or later. He asked me if I accept the aircraft and I said yes. So he signed it. Next I did the CG form. (after running to get one) I cleverly took note of the weight and arms and moments the day before from the table located at the Ops room. BUT I also came to know that that was another mistake…… When I opened the POH to show him where the number came from, I realized the one stated on the ops table was different from the one that I copied. Actually the updated weight, arm and moment were on the next page of the POH. It has been updated and I cleverly did not turn one more page. Moral of the story, DO THE CG first. AND CHECK the POH itself. Go to the aircraft a few flights before the FHT to familiarize yourself with the POH. AND then do the tech log after the CG and ask him to sign it because only after you have done the CG, would you be able to accept the aircraft.
While running out to get the CG form after going through the techlog, I checked with aunty about the weather report. So smart, the Mat station didn’t do the current one yet. So I checked the sky. All clear : ) so I went back in, did the CG, got confused about the POH arms and told him the one on the table is more up to date according to OM (the updated one in the POH was just one page behind!) and after the CG and POH was done, I told him the weather was not in yet BUT I told him that I checked the sky and all was clear with clouds above 10000ft. (there was only cirrus clouds).
Then he asked me which runway in use? I said 21. He asked how I know, I said the colour state board said so. I also told him the colour states which was SBAB Y1, SEL VMC, PLAB Blue. Then I told him, ‘which means that SBAB would be our primary diversion”. He gave me that look that I came to later realize meant, “What in the world are you talking about?!” (Background info: usually we see SBAB and PLAB as Y1. unfortunately I was late and a bit kanchong so I mistook Blue colour state as being worse that Y1. It is actually better! Since I though Blue was worse that Y1, I stated that the primary diversion should be SBAB and not the usual PLAB. Stupid!)
Then he asked, “What’s the wind condition?” I said don’t know and I’ll go check. So I ran/walked out and checked the windsock, it was under 5 kts (drooping) and direction generally 210 deg. I told him that and he asked so can fly or not? I said yes we can. Okay he said, See you ops in 2 mins.
Went to ops room, double checked auth sheet and rams filled, then he showed me the colour state chart and he ask, “Do you know what blue means or not?” I saw the thing and said sorry was mistaken and PLAB should in fact be our primary. He shaked his head and we walked out.
Part 2….
Part 2: The Fight Test
I took my time to wear my gloves and vest before the police post. Then we walked out to the aircraft, 9V-BOH (which so happened to be my first flight and first solo plane. Must thank the flight room aunty : p).
Approaching the aircraft, I called out ‘Sir, initial checks’ then did the checks. Got in, did checks as per FRC and came out. Called out external checks and carried on, blah blah. The only exciting thing he asked was, “What’s this thing here?” stunned, I examined the strange looking silver cup located lower left of the spinner. It was obviously something inside the engine and realized, oh! Its part of the starter motor housing! He said ok. Carried on and then did cockpit safety checks. Remember fuel drain and all that! I didn’t use the dip stick to check fuel because the tanks were full so I just opened the caps and visually saw that the fuel was to the brim. No comments given about that.
Start up and everything ok. Your call sign will be ‘C’ ‘A’ ‘A’ ‘oscar’ ‘hotel’. Take note when preparing. When testing brakes, make sure you tell him “you have control.” And let him response before removing your feet. (I heard that from some senior PPL guy who got scolded.) That went okay. Just before the end of yankee, near W3, he asked what speed should you be taxiing? I said walking speed. He said and then? Opps, I was going too fast. Make sure, slow! Really really walking pace.
Before calling ground, I told/asked him that ‘we’ll be doing circuits first’ he said okay. Then I relayed to ground the normal calls and such. Runway in use: 21.
Ok next thing to note, he likes to test you by changing his mind. Like VABTO checks, I asked him if we were going to do normal t/o, he said yes. Then after the checks were done, while straightening the a/c, he said we wanted short field. Okay, I said. Then I pulled 2 stages of flaps and called switching to tower. Waited for 92 to do a touch and go and then called tower CAA-OH ready. Told him to help close the door and lined up, did my line up checks and took off after clearance.
1. After take off checks, flaps up, I noted, and unfortunately he also noted, that I was 65 kts and not 60 kts during the initial climb out. No harm down. Requested PFL, that was denied and so we called normal circuit instead and then he called efato at around 600 ft. I did the actions and pulled 25 flaps to descend steeper for the orchid golf course fairway near the satellite dishes. He terminated it and he requested low level. So I changed it to low level. I already had 25 flaps so I left it and went to 500 ft, ½ normal spacing. Called downwind low for stop and go and did downwind checks. Lined up, pulled 40 flaps, and called final and said target speed 55 kts. On 200 ft, he called go around! So I went around with flaps to 25 immediately, did go around checks and then next we requested PFL.
2. The PFL was ok. We had to orbit twice due to OE on upwind and some other a/c. No probs, commenced everything as per normal. Did the engine failure checks and down wind checks, declared I wanted first marker and landed slightly past the first marker.
3. Next, after take off checks, I asked him which circuit he wanted. So he said normal. Okay. Waited till 500 ft to turn and JUST before 500 ft he said “I want flapless.” So I made I quick call, ‘flapless’ and turned to cross wind. Landing was okay.
4. Low level came next, for stop and go. As per the first circuit, it was within limits. On downwind, I stated that I would like my aim point to be first marker. If not he would take it as threshold. It’s just my preference. Slightly fast initially but brought it down to 57 kts or so. Landed before the second marker and braked!!!! But apparently not hard enough so he was prompting, ‘More brakes, more brakes.’ Stopped within limits and did a normal takeoff. Remember to put power before touching flaps.
5. Next was a glide. Requested and granted. On crosswind, he said we will depart after this glide circuit and asked where I wanted to go. I said Bravo via overhead. So on the downwind high call, I also added that I would like to depart to area bravo via overhead. Then he said he wanted 2nd marker and that was fine. After take off I requested the status of the departure and departed. I did my ‘filer’ checks during the climb at about 1300ft and reset the timer. After that I called passing 2500 and switched to 123.4 for PL approach. Something was wrong with the primary frequency. (Random statement: there was Arabic being transmitted by two random aircraft on 123.4 and PL app chased them away. Hahahahahah)
Area work:
I wanted to climb to bravo, 5000 ft and while climbing, I did the look out weaves and engine checks. Called established at 4000 ft and did HASSEL checks at 4600ft. leveled off at 5000, did a lookout turn and did clean stall. Take note to check for yaw and recover at the same reference point or hdg given.
Stall 1500rpm, 25 degrees flaps, SSR
Stall 1500 rpm, 40 deg flaps, incipient stall recovery. Just lower nose for S&L. don’t need to lower nose for descend. Don’t have to lose height!
Steep turns left and right. Continuous turns, mainting approx 90 kts.
Next he said IF and I passed over controls so I could put on my IF goggs. Noticed time was 14 mins and I said I wanted to do my filer checks and he passed me controls and then when I was finished with that, he asked, ‘Don’t you want to call?’ and I called ops normal. He took over again for UA. Did a nose high with bank, low nose with bank and once more a nose high with bank except that the last one did not require any change in throttle setting. Then flew S & L, some rate one turns and climbs etc. Basic IF. No cool stuff like 500ft/min climb and rate one turn 180 deg where you would have to level off and roll out at the same time.
After that settled down in area, look around and he asked where we were after taking off the IF goggs. I said over seletar approaching the boundary and he handed me control and I turned around. We then proceeded with slow speed handling. Clean with no flaps, 65 kts and after a while, 60 kts with 10 deg flaps. Turn only when required and if there is no need to, he may ask you to turn. Show him rate one turns and turn to the hdg he wants. Remember, visual flying!
After terminating the Slow speed, we did engine rough running emergency. So I ranted out the checks and prepared for the PFL pattern. He asked me anything else that we can do? I said that’s all that was stated in the FRC. He said should take it out if there is height and time available. Then terminated the emergency and told me that we’ll do a normal rejoin.
I did the FIE checks and called PL App for recovery. Had to wait for 15 mins for the in bound and out bound to come and go. In the mean time I waited at 4000 ft, flying in rectangles around the airfield. Sometimes he wanted me to turn only when he said so so I flowed that instruction and advised him when the boundary was approaching. Generally flying in the 030,120,210 and 300 directions. Had to do another FILER check after 15 mins (He nicely asked when was the last time I changed tank?) and then got clearance to rejoin 2500 ft for rw 21 soon after. Switched from PL APP to Sel tower.
Established contact with tower and descended overhead the airfield. Remember clear engine and lookout weave. I called overhead 2500ft when I got there and got cleared to descend and I replied leaving 2500 for dw rw 21. Unfortunately, I did not do a normal rejoin for a very long time and could not see the opposite threshold and turned too late. I was high at about 1500 ft and he questioned my pattern. Opps.. But got back to downwind 800 ft for a normal fullstop. Landed within limits and called for W3. I was told by tower to continue to yankee on tower freq which I did. Do take note of the wind conditions because he asked me on final. Once you’re cleared for yankee, go straight to the clearing engine holding point. Did after landing checks, asked him to open the door and called tower we were taxying back yankee and then released park brakes and activated toe brakes and cleared my engine and then he did engine fire on ground. So throttle close, mixture cut off, fuel pump……. And then we returned to yankee.
Again, I was taxying at a jog pace and not a walking pace. I was directed to parking bay 12. But along the portion of taxiway, I had to pass OL which at the engine run up bay and had to navigate between that aircraft and the parking shed pillar and eventually got into the bay. Slow down before the white line so that you do not have to jam brake to stop on the white line. Be smooth. I overshot the white line a little bit. Anyway, did the engine shut down checks and he told me we’ll meet at the briefing room in 5 mins.
Part 3: The Debrief
I waited in the room for him to come back and he started with:
1. Tell me about the engine?
2. Will we reach ICAO standards?
3. What is the standard?
4. Is Singapore that standard?
5. How does that affect T/O performance?
6. What can we do to improve the takeoff performance? (take off into wind, with a downhill runway gradient, short field take off or decrease load by draining fuel)
7. Electrical system?
8. Why is the alternator 14 V and battery 12 V?
9. If the master switch was turned off in flight, will the engine still run?
10. Tell me about your license privileges?
11. Can you fly at night and what is considered night?
12. How to get a night rating?
13. What must you do in order to maintain the license?
14. How long is it valid for and what is it based on?
15. Can you fly cross country?
16. What is considered cross country?
I think that’s about it. Anyway, make sure you prepare for systems properly! Look and sound confident of what you are saying. He will ask more if you look lost. Anyway, good luck for your test! Prepare early! The answers to all the questions except Q 6 is available in my FHT quiz guide.
Mistakes Made:
Not on time
Did the techlog and got him to sign it before I even did the CG
CG in the POH was old one. Did not check next page.
Colour states info mistaken. Blue is the best! Don’t ask don’t say.
Taxy too fast.
Not going straight to yankee holding point after landing.
Things to note:
Call out and check yourself. Eg, 60 kts climb for S/F. I called out but did not manage to do it
Efato, if too high, aim for the golf couse parallel to the r/w further away. Don’t force it down. Usually we’ll start at 500 ft but this time started at 600 ft.
Practice what you preach! Eg, the rejoin pattern, I said can turn after passing the opposite threshold but we already passed it and I didn’t turn cause I could not see it and also we were high. He said I could have pulled flaps to descend faster if needed. So long as its within the aircraft limits.
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your attitude determines your altitude! – Quotable quotes from Ng YC : )