today was the most eventful day that anyone could have ever imagined.. well lets see, (the last bit is the real deal.. read on!)
this morning i woke up early to go fly my new remote control plane at jurong.. whew. that went ok.. hahah it came back in one piece.. i need to go get another battery pack else the flight time will be shorter than the driving time to get there.. i met a few real real pilots there too. it was rather informative.
in the later part of the morning, i was to meet tim at kallang McD to study APP1 and guess what? the whole bloody block had closed down.. what a waste.. so i went to study on my own and then i had lunch with my relatives, (though i didnt eat much)..
today i met 3 different groups of classic singaporeans. the first one was the helpful aunty.. i asked if she knew where the new Mc D was and she said she didnt know cause it closed down rather recently. then out of no where after i started walking, she appeared and told me that her friend said that the new Mc D has not opened yet and that it wouldn't be for a while.. what amazed me was how in the world did she follow me?! most of you would know that i walk too fast.. hahahhaa.. second of all, how did she get all that info in such a short time? she was alone when i asked her.. so yes, thats the helpful aunty for you thank you very much..
the second type i met today was the dangerous kid. Especially with a balloon.. At the table I was studying at, the kid next to me kept reaching for my pencil case when his mom was not looking.. And he took his balloon and started waving it in my direction! what terror! what if he started to cry bcos of me not giving him what he wanted? (which i had really no idea)?!? yes thats the dangerous baby for you..
then i met simon, joshua, bryan andrewC and ash at Vivo City.. boy was that a city.. it had EVERYTHING! even skinny dipping for kids! omg! what horror! (actually there was a pool thing on the highest foor.. open air concept.. abt knee deep? and kids just jump in but just after their parents force them to take off their clothes else they'd be all wet)
anyway, went to watch the prestige.. what confusion! sheesh.. i only got it when the show ended.. only andrewC loves this kind of movies.
for dinner, we found that the city was tooo jammed packed.. so we took a bus down to my place to get sea food at pasir panjang food centre opposite my house.. boy was the food good and so much cheaper than if we ate at billy's..
ok heres the funny bitt.. they came over to my house and started playing with my flight simulator on my laptop.. we started a spot landing event where you're supposed to land at a certain spot on the runway.. hahhaah boy was hilarious..
oh yes the part to read! I took the car to send them back.. Just after dropping andrewC off at his house, I took a right turn and I hit the left curb cause the curb suddenly jumped out at me.. yea yea who am i kidding? i didnt turn enough la. hahahha.. it happened around here:

the side of the tire hit the curb so i guess it caused a tear in the tubeless tire.. after ten meters after the impact, the car started dropping and the turning became sloppy so we knew it was flat.. Luckily, it happened just outside a coffee shop where I met the third type of classic singaporean.. The knowledgeable uncle... He was having a smoking break behind the coffee shop and he saw us and waved to us to park here.. He even directed me how to park it.. hahhahaha like he was expecting me or something.. anyway, we went to the boot to retrieve the the spare tire.. boy was that heavy... i didnt know that there was a car jack in the car.. when we found it, it was secured to the inner side of the boot.. out came the uncle to save the day (i mean night) again.. he siad, "ai ya.. the car jack hor, must screw then will come out" so he screwed it. (yes there is a screw to secure it tight against the frame) anyway me bryan and ash took turns in cranking the jack.. wah say.. demn difficult man.. (pics out later.. bryan tay had a camara with him.. sigh.. he just had to bring one.. ahaha).. so off came the flat and on went the spare.. whew.. i thought i would have to spend the night lost and sccared.. so thanks to the coffee shop uncle and his car tire changing skills, we were saved and on our way again...
past bryan's house and finally dropped ash along ferrer road.. wow.. now thats what i call a freakin long day..
ADVENTURES ARE FUN, BUT only to a certain extent! (no tire bursts please!)